Tag Archives: sepsis

Family of Sepsis Victim Fights for Better Care

By ThinkReliability Staff

New York state has become a leader in identifying and treating sepsis. But it wasn’t always this way. On April 1, 2012, a twelve-year-old boy named Rory Staunton died from sepsis in a New York hospital (the subject of a previous blog). There were multiple opportunities that could have more quickly identified his sepsis, and potentially saved his life. After his death, Rory’s family founded the Rory Staunton Foundation For Sepsis Prevention. Part of the foundation’s mission is to improve diagnosis and treatment protocols for sepsis.

The foundation landed a success when New York state adopted what are known as “Rory’s Regulations” on December 31, 2013. These regulations require “health care providers to develop and implement protocols to rapidly diagnose and treat sepsis infections”. In addition, the state adopted hospital pediatric care regulations which specifically addressed many of the causes identified in Rory’s case. These include requirements to:

– Review of test results by a clinician familiar with the patient’s case: Blood tests ordered to be run immediately were not reviewed by the doctor who ordered them. Although initial tests showed abnormalities within an hour of Rory’s arrival, these results were not provided to the emergency department at all.

– Provide test results to the primary care provider: The test results were not provided to Rory’s primary care provider.

– Improve communications of test results to patients and parents: The test results were not provided to Rory’s parents

– Keeping patients in the hospital while awaiting critical test results: Rory had already left the hospital when the test results arrived. Because the results of the test were a matter of life or death, had his discharge been delayed while awaiting the results, the outcome may have been different.

Even with ensuring that test results make it into the right hands, diagnosing and treating sepsis is difficult. Rory’s Regulations also require developing protocols that will assist in sepsis detection and treatment. An international task force released updated definitions of sepsis and septic shock, as well as clinical guidance, in February 2016. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid launched a new core measure for fiscal year 2016.

Another mission of the foundation is to increase public awareness and understanding of sepsis. The foundation requested the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention help them in this mission. The CDC launched its new sepsis website on May 29, 2014.

While New York’s regulations seem to have been a success (the state’s Department of Health estimates they will save at least 5,000 lives each year), the foundation isn’t stopping there. Their stated goal is to have similar regulations in place across the US by 2020.

To view the cause-and-effect relationships and the associated solutions laid out visually in a Cause Map, please click on “Download PDF” above. Click here to learn more about the Rory Staunton Foundation For Sepsis Prevention.

Delay in Standard Sepsis Protocol May Have Cost Patient Her Life

By ThinkReliability Staff

Information found in this blog is based on an article from Health Affairs, where an emergency physician describes his mother’s fight against neutropenic sepsis contracted after her second bout against cancer.

In this case, the sepsis killed the patient, impacting the patient safety goal.  Additionally, the delay in treatment – even if it did not result in the patient’s death – is an impact to the patient services goal.   With delayed patient services, there is the potential for a lawsuit, or other potential action against the hospital.  We’ll consider this an impact to both the compliance and organizational goal.  We can visually diagram the causes that led to these impacted goals in a Cause Map, or visual root cause analysis.

Here, the patient death was due to her inability to fight neutropenic sepsis, which resulted from a systemic infection that the body – having depleted infection-fighting cells during recent chemotherapy – was unable to fight off.  Medical intervention can improve the survival rate, especially when life-saving measures are begun quickly and followed completely.  In this case, the patient was hospitalized for 23 hours before sepsis protocol was begun.

The patient’s primary doctor was her oncologist, who did not consult with an intensive care doctor.  Despite recommendations to have care of new ICU patients fall within the responsibility of an intensive-care doctor, this solution was not implemented at this particular hospital due to “political barriers”.  It can thus be surmised that this may have been a cause to the delay in consultation during the case as well.

The sepsis protocol was begun only when care was transferred to the intensive-care doctor as a result of the patient’s son requesting transfer to a different hospital.  Perhaps the staff was unaware of the seriousness of the situation, as the monitoring of the patient appeared inadequate.  The transfer of the patient to the ICU was also only done at the specific request of the patient’s son.  Based on the description of the experience at the hospital, it’s not clear why the patient’s doctor did not order the standard sepsis protocol.

The hospital involved in the case has updated its guidelines in treating sepsis.  Hopefully this will successfully result in the reduction of cases such as this one.

To view the Outline, Cause Map, Timeline, and Solutions, please click “Download PDF” above.  Or click here to read more.

Delay in Treatment for Sepsis Results in Death of a Child

By ThinkReliability Staff

On April 1, 2012, a patient at a university medical center in New York died from sepsis.  The death was especially heartbreaking as the patient was 12 years old . . . and had been healthy just 4 days prior.  However, he had contracted a bacterial bloodstream infection (sepsis), which has a high mortality rate (nearly 40%, according to the United Hospital Fund) that grows with every passing hour.  (A study cited by the New York Times found that the survival rate decreases by 7.6% every hour before antibiotics are given.)  With response time so crucial to patient outcome, rapid action at every step of the process is required.

We can look at this incident in a visual root cause analysis, or Cause Map.  The purpose of this map is not to assign blame, but rather to discover and document causes in the hope of finding solutions to reduce the occurrence of this type of issue.

We begin with the impacts to the goals.  In this case, the patient safety goal was impacted due to a patient death.  Because of the high potential for emotional impact to providers, employees are also impacted.    The potential for a lawsuit is an impact to the organizational goal, and the initial misdiagnosis of the patient is an impact to the patient services goal.

We begin with the patient safety goal and ask “Why” questions to develop cause-and-effect relationships that will show all the causes of the incident.  The patient died of severe septic shock and insufficient intervention.  (Had intervention come earlier, the patient may have lived.)  The onset of the sepsis appears to have been a cut acquired at school, which was bandaged, but possibly not cleaned, likely due to the lack of severity of the initial injury.  Delay of treatment allowed the sepsis to overwhelm the immune system.  The treatment was delayed due to an initial misdiagnosis of dehydration.     Sepsis is particularly difficult to diagnose because many of its symptoms mirror symptoms of other more common ailments.  Information was not shared between providers – the child’s primary care pediatrician, parents, and the hospital staff, which may have contributed to the difficulty in diagnosis.  Test results taken at the hospital came in after discharge and were not shared by phone with the primary provider or parents.  Additionally, even after lab results from the hospital suggested that the white blood cell count was abnormally high, indicating infection, no action was taken.

From this very basic, high level map, at least four areas of specific improvement can be noted.  Protocol at the school for injuries that involve cuts – even if they seem minor – should include cleaning or disinfection.   The hospital should have – and follow – protocol for that specifies action to be taken upon receipt of lab results.   This protocol should include documenting and sharing test results with other providers and caregivers.  Because of the difficulty in diagnosing sepsis, and the importance of quick action, the United Hospital Fund is current developing a STOP Sepsis Collaborative, which aims to “reduce mortality in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock by implementing a protocol-based approach to case identification and rapid treatment”.  Ideally, implementation of the results of this collaborative will reduce the risk of patient death from a situation like this tragic case.

To view the Outline, event Timeline, Cause Map, and Solutions, please click “Download PDF” above.  Or click here to read more.